I got my house! Closed on it at last Friday at the eleventh hour, after a long back and forth, inspections, repairs, estimates, a few more repairs waiting to get done.
The house is in good shape for being so old and has been restored pretty well.
I will enjoy learning about it's history if I can.
I spent the weekend checking out every corner & closet, cleaning, watching half the
yard fill up with rainwater from a clogged sewer drain somewhere near my house.
My crawl space filling up with water...not a good feeling the day after signing your
bank account away! But I have nothing to complain about compared to the people in
the Southern part of the state, most of whom have lost their house and stuff or had
massive flooding. Keep good thoughts for them as they pick up the mess and put lives back together. I am hoping for dry weather so I can get the grass cut and clean the
rest of the gutters out. There was a mini maple-tree farm growing up there.
I'll need to get my 10ft table soon and start setting up my new studio!
Can't wait- I even have great space for a design wall.
Today after a fierce morning storm I saw a beautiful rainbow.
Stay dry kiddies!
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