Sunday, May 4, 2008


My quest continues to find a house! I think I've found it. I put an offer down today- now starts the negotiation stuff. With some luck I'll be the proud owner of a 100 year old, updated, money pit! It's a beauty- stained glass windows, hardwood floors & gorgeous woodwork. Cross your fingers or toes, but not both!

It's not so much the house, as I need a place to store this GIANT antique table I bought last summer... 10' x 5', and it weighs 200 + lbs. I'd guess! An old dry-goods table- it will make a great studio addition. It's the kind of table that needs to stay on the ground floor, since no one should be stupid enough to try and move it UP! So I'm buying a house based on functionality for a table!
Ha! My logic sounds as stupid as the people who picked their president based on whether they could sit down & drink a beer with him. Wow! That's intelligent thinking!
I saw a great bumper-sticker recently-"Why is our children not learning?" (the Shrub's face was next to the sentence)
But I digress....

I finally got my copy of Joan Lintault's new book about her wonderful art quilts and her thought process of working. Joan was the professor who got me in to art quilts in graduate school. What a fantastic person and teacher she was/is. I am eternally grateful to her for sharing her knowledge, skills, and heart while I studied with her at SIU, in Carbondale,IL. I always think about her words of wisdom and support when I get down in the dumps about art, and the sad state of our world.
Her book- M. Joan Lintault, Connecting Quilts, Art, & Textiles. Buy it!

Well Peeps- that's the latest exciting edition to my most unexciting life!
Be kind to all your fellow creatures, and smile at your enemies. It drives them nuts!

Going out to sniff some flowers now.........

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